Lesson: Integrating Trip the light fantastic toe into English language Language Arts


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Lesson Objective

Participants will explore practical applications and example lessons of dance integrated into english linguistic communication arts

Trip the light fantastic Concepts

The following are the trip the light fantastic concepts nigh ordinarily or naturally integrated into english language arts courses. However, this listing is not exhaustive. Equally covered in Unit 2, yous should at present understand the scope of dance as well equally have admission to the standards if you would like to explore other connections.

Trip the light fantastic ELEMENTS
There are five elements: Body, Action, Space, Time, Free energy (B.A.S.T.E.) that tin can serve every bit lenses to help students analyze, talk over, manipulate, and create movement. Each category describes who is dancing or what is moving (trunk), what they are doing (activeness), where they are in relation to others or their surroundings (space), when they are moving or for how long (time), and how they are moving or the quality of motility (energy).

Perpich Center for Arts Education, & University of MN Dance Program. (2018). The Elements of Dance. Retrieved from https://www.elementsofdance.org/

  • English Linguistic communication Arts Applications: As a non-trip the light fantastic teacher, y'all should not feel the need to teach trip the light fantastic toe elements as a broad concept, or feel like you lot need to integrate all 5 elements. In english language arts, typically teachers focus on actions and/or energy to physically portray tones, themes, and events in literature. As you will see in examples below, all of these elements can have numerous applications for english language arts teachers of every form level or demographic.
    • Actions: Students tin can exercise different types of movements that relate to events occurring in a story. Examples of different actions include jumping, turning, locomotor (traveling), open/close movements, rise/sink, stretch/bend, etc. ~ See Elements of Trip the light fantastic chart in a higher place for more than
    • Free energy: Students tin practice movement with different qualities that represent emotions of characters or imagery found in content. Examples of unlike free energy qualities include forcefulness (strong/gentle), weight (heavy/calorie-free), or flow (jump/costless) ~ See Elements of Trip the light fantastic chart above for more
  • NCAS Artistic Process: Dance chemical element concepts can be developed into activities that facilitate creating, performing, responding, and connecting. With more space for motility activities, students can practice and choreograph movement inspired by texts or literature. At a desk-bound, students can discuss and write about dances viewed using english language arts concepts.
  • Note: Depending on your resource on Dance Elements you may run across only three or iv elements listed. Sometimes the terminology besides varies (example: "Energy" may be labeled equally "force" or "attempt")
Hither is a quick video on Trip the light fantastic toe Elements if you are still unsure about this dance concept.

When designing a short phrase of movement or a full length dance slice, choreographers will consider what construction to organize the movement to achieve an intended meaning or intent. Then choreographers will utilise different devices to continue manipulating their choreography in new and creative ways.

Fitzgerald, S. (n.d.). Slideshow Presentation. Retrieved from https://slideplayer.com/slide/9165266/

  • English Language Arts Applications: Choreographic structures role similarly to writing structures. In fact, nearly dancers compare a choreographer to a writer, choreography to literary work, and choreographing to the process of writing. There are many connections that tin can be fabricated betwixt creating art with words and movement.
    • Structures: Students tin practice planning movement in specific patterns. Examples of different structures are AB or ABA which would imply that a choreographer has assigned 1 step or curt phrase every bit "A" and another equally "B". These can and so exist repeated in different patterns according to the lettered structure. ~ See Dance Spirit article below for more
    • Devices: Students can employ devices to dispense already created phrases. Examples of different devices are cannon (multiple dancers begin a phrase at different times like 'row row row your boat') and retrograde (dance is performed 'forrard' unremarkably and then completely reversed 'backwards).
  • NCAS Creative Processes: Choreographic structures and devices can be best developed into activities that facilitate creating, performing. Ideally with more space for move activities, students tin manipulate and choreograph movement based on some type of literary inspiration. However, at a desk, students could maybe also complete responding and connecting activities while watching videos or discussing.
  • Related Concepts: Themes or creative intent (choreographing with a purpose), structures of choreographic work (dance work=similar to a completed piece of literature; phrase=similar to a sentence; stride/motility=word)
  • Note: Depending on your resource, choreographic structures may be referred to every bit forms.


Creative Dance Integration | BYU by Erika Cravath
These lessons are swell examples of trip the light fantastic toe and science fully integrated for simple grade levels. They all connect well to all for NCAS artistic processes and permit for enough of movement.

  • Language Arts: Language Arts: Row, Row, Row Your Boat ~ Grades one-two ~ one Course Menses: Students learn to understand vocabulary in the vocal, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" while completing a guided improvisation inspired by lyrics. They practice and perform movement that interprets different elements of the story in the song.
  • Language Arts: Language Arts: Homophones ~ Form ii ~ 1 Class Period: Students understand different meanings of homophone word pairs while choreographing trip the light fantastic sentences related to the pairs. They create sentences with homophones and and so choreograph movement to match.
  • Language Arts: Prefixes un- and re- ~ Course ii ~ 1 Class Period: Students learn how to sympathise meanings of prefixes while choreographing and manipulating movement. Students apply choreographic devices (retrograde, repetition) to create movement phrases.

The J. Paul Getty Museum by Patricia Berger
This lesson is a great example of dance being used in an english language arts to encourage appreciation of dance as an art grade, all while completing physical action.

  • Science: All I want to Do Is Dance, Dance, Dance! ~ Grades 3-five ~ four-v Grade Periods: Students learn how to apply language to analyze and draw movement while viewing peers perform frozen shapes or visual art pieces of dance. Through partner exercises, they exercise different positions and levels (infinite). Subsequently, students learn how to write persuasive speeches about why people may like to trip the light fantastic.

United Arts Council
These lessons are as well neat examples of dance and english linguistic communication arts fully integrated for unproblematic course levels. Each includes clear activity outlines, assessments, and differentiated approaches.

  • Moving Sentences: Activity Out Sentences with Our Bodies ~ Grade Yard-1 ~ 1 Class Period past Catie Burnette, Jenna Helmink, Victoria Lightfood, Andrea Kisielius: Students learn to sympathise uncomplicated sentence structures, appropriate capitalization and punctuation, through a guided improvisation. As a class, they perform different high/low levels shapes (space) that correspond to each chemical element of the written sentence displayed or read by instructor.
  • Moving Sentences: Lines of Life ~ Grade 3-five ~ one Grade Period past Xan Regan: Students learn to sympathise lines and figurative language while choreographing phrases. They practice manipulating different trip the light fantastic elements (action, space, time, energy) and choreographic structures to help portray meaning.
  • Dancing Character Traits ~ Grade 5 ~ 1 Class Menstruum past Chelsea Francis: Students learn to sympathise a novel'southward characters while analyzing and performing activeness verbs from the text. They work in groups to choreograph phrases based around content in the stories.


Nearpod 1.jpg

Click here to join our Collaboration Nearpod (with code CPGLM) and respond to the question: How do you plan to integrate dance into your classroom? -- Afterwards reviewing these applications and examples, draw a content topic that interests you.

Your contributions volition be public to whatever other participants in this course. Feel free to peruse other responses.

Boosted Resources

  • [The Kenenedy Middle, & Arts Edge. (n.d.) https://artsedge.kennedy-eye.org/educators/how-to/encouraging-arts/how-dance-can-teach-literature] | This resources lists five clear and powerful benefits of incorporating dance into an english arts grade. Accordingly, trip the light fantastic toe can help : clarify process of language assay, identify subtle elements in specific texts, compare literary works, assist in writing-essay, and nurture creativity. During that time, students tin also experience the fine art of dance, physical movement, new creative inspirations, and choreography explorations.


  • Berger, P. (due north.d.). All I Want to Practice Is Trip the light fantastic, Dance, Dance! Retrieved from https://world wide web.getty.edu/education/teachers/classroom_resources/curricula/arts_lang_arts/a_la_lesson38.html
  • Cravath, E., BYU Arts Partnership, E., Arts Bridge America, E., & BYU | Honors, Eastward. (due north.d.). Lesson plan resources.
  • Elements of Dance | Kqed Arts. (2015). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/spotter?v=UGuD9Geeb2k
  • Fitzgerald, South. (n.d.). Slideshow Presentation. Retrieved from https://slideplayer.com/slide/9165266/
  • PBS, & SGHB Educational Foundation. (n.d.). Teaching Resource For Students And Teachers. Retrieved from https://world wide web.pbslearningmedia.org/
  • Perpich Center for Arts Education, & University of MN Dance Programme. (2018). The Elements of Dance. Retrieved from https://www.elementsofdance.org/
  • The Kenenedy Eye, & Arts Border. (north.d.). How Dance Can Teach Literature: Five ways to employ trip the light fantastic toe in your english class. Retrieved from https://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/educators/how-to/encouraging-arts/how-dance-tin can-teach-literature
  • United Arts Council. (northward.d.). We Brand Art Happen. Retrieved from https://world wide web.unitedarts.org/
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